#102: Bethlehem Olive

Bird number: 135 & 136
Date: October 20, 2013
Wood: Olive (Olea europaea)
Source: Woodcraft store

Debra and I were in the Woodcraft store last year right before Christmas, and saw that they had a bunch of Bethlehem Olive turning blanks. I’d already carved an olive bird, but these blanks were from a burl, and Debra really liked the way it looked. So we bought it.

The piece was a little narrow for my standard sized bird, so I carved two smaller birds from it. The idea was to keep one for the collection and donate one to a charity auction. But Debra couldn’t decide which one she liked best. So I decided to make them the Olive twins.

They turned out really nice.

I learned a couple of new bandsaw techniques when working with this piece. See my Bandsaw tricks blog post for the details.