All together now

Throughout the year I’ve spent carving these birds, people have been asking me what I’m going to do with them. I honestly had no clear idea of that when I started. At some point in the past year, Debra and I decided that we’d decorate our Christmas tree with the birds, leaving all our other ornaments in the boxes this time.

We realized a couple of weeks ago that we’d need a tree topper to fit with the bird theme. I suggested a larger bird that I could drill a hole in so that it would sit on top of the tree, but Debra had a better idea: a big bird sitting on a nest. I carved the bird and she fashioned the nest.

Debra set up the tree on Friday, and Saturday she got all the birds out of their boxes while I worked on the big bird tree topper. Here are all of the birds, minus the topper, sitting on the desk just before we started hanging them on the tree.

And the tree, with 101 little hanging birds and the big bird in its nest on the top.

Click on either of those two pictures to view a much larger image. The tree image is especially large. You might have to click again to have your browser show the picture in its original size.

A few people asked how we attached the birds to the tree. It’s a multi-step process. When I made the birds, I drilled a small (1/32 inch) hole in each one and inserted a small jewelry pin that I secured in place with super glue. Last week, Debra attached a fishing swivel to each jewelry pin using a small jump ring. We got the pins and jump rings in the jewelry findings section of Hobby Lobby. We got the fishing swivels from our local sporting goods store. I think they’re #12 swivels. Or possibly #10.

The fancy hooks also came from Hobby Lobby.

Some of the birds have barrel clasps from the jewelry findings section, but the fishing swivels look better (not as clunky) and cost less.

Some of the earlier birds (the first 20 or 25) have screw eyes rather than the jewelry pins. For those we just used the hooks without the swivels. I might try to replace the screw eyes with pins, but the hole in the back of the bird is much larger, which might pose a problem.

No magic. Just working with what we could find on short notice.

#100: Banksia Pod

Bird number: 133
Date: December 18, 2012
Wood: Banksia pod (Banksia grandis)
Source: Woodcraft

Banksia is a genus of about 170 flowering trees or woody shrubs native to Australia that have distinctive flower spikes and fruiting cones and heads. The Bull Banksia tree, native to Southwest Western Australia, develops very large (up to 35 cm, or 13 inches) seed pods.

This one is about eight inches long and about four inches in diameter.

The outer surface of the pod is kind of fuzzy, and the wood directly under the fuzzy layer is very soft and crumbly. I cut the ends off and squared up the sides so that I could get a bird pattern on the thing.

Cutting this stuff made a huge mess. The wood is somewhat brittle, and the harder bits around the cavities tended to break off. I had to be extremely careful with this because the blade had a tendency to wander. But with patience and care, I ended up with a bird cutout.

I thought I’d be able to carve this bird with a knife, but the wood alternates between crumbly, brittle, and very hard. So I instead used the Foredom power carver, using a light touch to avoid getting the bit caught in one of the seed holes. I learned a while back that a bad things happen if that bit grabs an edge.

Sanding, too, was somewhat difficult. All those holes. But it was worth the effort. The final product really is unique.

You might notice that I left the tail a little thicker than with most of the other birds. The pod really is brittle. I was experimenting with a piece slightly thicker than my typical bird’s tail, and it snapped unexpectedly. I figured I’d leave this one a bit thicker to prevent it from breaking off.

The figure’s back is about at the center of the seed pod, so you don’t see a lot of holes up there. A shot of the bottom shows a lot more holes.

The wood sure finishes up nice, though! And the holes add a unique character.

Wood turners really like Banksia pods. Just do a Google images search and see some of the beautiful turned objects. The pods are kind of expensive here in the U.S., though, so you don’t often see turned objects at craft shows and such.

I enjoyed carving the Banksia pod, especially after somebody told me that there was no way I’d get a bird from it. He sure was surprised! That said, I doubt I’ll be buying another one of these pods any time soon. Unless I come up with some crazy idea . . .

#99: Spalted Tamarind

Bird number: 132
Date: December 18, 2012
Wood: Spalted Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
Source: Woodcraft

If you’ve lived for any time near the Mexican border or you like to shop in Asian markets, you’re probably familiar with the tamarind: a pod-like, pulpy fruit with a sour/tart taste. It’s used quite a bit in Asian and Mexican dishes, and also in some candies. I like the stuff in small doses, but only occasionally. I discovered some tamarind flavored bubble gum (I still swear that it was Bubble Yum brand) when Debra and I were on our honeymoon in Cancun back in 1992. I really liked that stuff but haven’t been able to find it in stores since. I used to look whenever I ran across a candy store in Mexico. There are some online suppliers, but like the stores in Mexico, they have tamarind/chile flavor rather than tamarind alone.

The quest continues.

I don’t know where Woodcraft got the tamarind wood. It’s not something you find very often, probably because the wood just isn’t very interesting when compared to cherry, black walnut, and the many exotic woods that are freely available. Spalting, though, makes any wood interesting. I would have been happy to carve regular tamarind, but the spalting made the wood quite striking.

Spalting is discoloration caused by fungus. It usually happens after a tree has died. Under the right conditions, some types of fungus colonize the wood and their activity can cause different types of discolorations. This piece of wood exhibits zone lines: the dark brown or black irregular lines that are most prevalent on the left side of the figure’s head.

This bird is smaller than most of those in the collection. The wood I got from the store was about 1.75 inches wide rather than the two inches that I normally use. The bird is a little less than four inches long as opposed to 4.5 inches for most of the others.

The wood was soft enough (although just barely so) to carve comfortably with a knife, which was a pleasant break from all the power carving I’ve done recently. I thought at first that I was going to have trouble getting a smooth surface when sanding, but it turned out to be pretty easy. I really did enjoy carving this stuff. It would have been better, though, if I could have had a piece of tamarind gum to chew on while I was working.

There is some danger to working with spalted wood, by the way. Some of the fungi that cause spalting also like lungs. Inhaling the dust from spalted wood can lead to the fungi colonizing your lungs, leading to serious respiratory problems. As always, you should wear some kind of dust mask when raising dust from carving or sanding. And be sure to tell your wife, husband, or whoever makes medical decisions if you’re incapacitated that they should let medical personnel know about your wood carving if you ever end up in the hospital with respiratory problems. People have been known to die from respiratory infections caused by inhaling wood dust, especially if it’s from spalted wood.

I’m glad I bought a 12″ piece of this wood. I look forward to making a few more things from it.

#98: Burmese Blackwood

Bird number: 131
Date: December 18, 2012
Wood: Burmese Blackwood (Dalbergia cultrata)
Source: Woodcraft

Burmese Blackwood is a member of the genus Dalbergia, commonly called the Rosewoods. Two other birds in this collection, Yucatan Rosewood and Cocobolo are also Rosewoods, and I strongly suspect that my Mystery wood is, as well.

This carved like the other Rosewoods I’ve worked with. The wood is hard, but cuts well and carves nicely with the Foredom. Sanding was not a problem. All told, the wood was a pleasure to work with.

Burmese Blackwood is native to Southeast Asia. Like many Rosewoods, it is highly sought after for use in furniture, musical instruments, turned objects, and flooring. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the tree as “near threatened,” mostly due to over exploitation of the timber. However, the wood is not CITES listed. I don’t know enough about the IUCN to say whether they’re reliable, but I would expect the wood from a threatened species to be somewhat more expensive than what I paid for this piece. I will, however, do a bit more research before I buy any more.

#97: Black Palm

Bird number: 130
Date: December 17, 2012
Wood: Black Palm (Borassus flabellifer)
Source: Woodcraft

I was surprised at how dense this wood is. The few types of palm wood I’d ever seen were quite fibrous and very light. Not as light as Balsa wood, but also not as solid. It turns out, though, that there are some 2,600 different species of palm trees. So I guess it’s no surprise that some would be hard and dense. Coconut palm (also known as Red Palm) is also very dense. I hope to carve that some day, too.

Palms are neither softwood nor hardwood, and by botanical definition not even trees. They’re monocots: structurally more like bamboo, grasses, orchids, etc., than what we typically call trees. They grow much differently than trees and as a result do not have annual growth rings. There is no “grain” to the wood, which really isn’t wood at all. Technically.

Wood or not, it sure looks nice. The fibers create an almost feather-like pattern on the figure.

It carves and sands like wood, too, and it’s used for many of the same things that wood is used for: flooring, boat building, walking sticks, knife and tool handles, rafters, furniture, and turned objects.

The only trouble I had with this piece was sanding. The alternating dark and light areas made it very difficult to distinguish scratches from the natural features. I spent a lot of time bent over a lighted magnifier, sanding. I think all that work paid off.

#96: Mopani

Bird number: 129
Date: December 17, 2012
Wood: Mopani (Colophospermum mopane)
Source: Woodcraft

Mopani (also mopane) is one of the heaviest woods found in South Africa. With a specific gravity of 1.23, it’s very hard and durable. Because of its termite resistance, it’s long been used for building houses and fences, as well as for mining timbers and railway sleepers. Outside of Africa, it’s used for outdoor accents, bases for lamps and sculptures, aquarium ornaments (the wood sinks, after all), turned objects, and other small specialty items.

I love the stuff. I bought it mostly because I was intrigued by its hardness, but when I made the first cut with the bandsaw I knew that it would be lovely.

I had to be careful to use a slower speed when carving, so as not to burn the wood, and sanding took a while although it wasn’t especially difficult. When I finished sanding, I spent a day hand rubbing the bird to see if I could get away with an “all natural” finish like I did with the Texas Ebony. The wood is certainly oily enough, and the bird did look good. But it didn’t shine like I wanted it to, so I went ahead with the polyurethane finish.

The result is one of the more beautiful birds. It looks glass-smooth, and the grain appears to have some depth.

I bought a fairly large piece of this, and am looking forward to making a few other things from what’s left. I can’t say what, exactly, I’ll use it for, but you can be sure it that will be a stylized carving that will show off the grain. And I’ll likely buy more of it at some point.

#95: Amazakoue

Bird number: 128
Date: December 17, 2012
Wood: Amazakoue (Guibourtia ehie)
Source: Woodcraft

I’ve become jaded. By any reasonable measure, this is a beautiful wood and I should be wowed by it. But I was actually disappointed when I finished sanding it, I think because I’ve been working with so many beautiful woods recently. The last ten or twelve woods I’ve worked with are, in my opinion, more striking than this one.

Amazakoue is hard enough that I wouldn’t want to try carving it with a knife. I didn’t have any problems carving with the Foredom, but I had a frustratingly difficult time sanding the silly thing. For reasons I don’t understand, getting a smooth finish on this figure was exceptionally difficult.

The tree is native to tropical West Africa. The wood is used for flooring, fine furniture, cabinet work, veneer, turned objects, and musical instruments. It’s often used as a less expensive alternative to Indian Rosewood. I’ve seen a few references that describe Amazakoue as “a walnut-like wood,” although none of them say how it’s like walnut. My experience is limited to black walnut, which this doesn’t resemble at all.

It really is a beautiful wood, and I’ll get over being jaded pretty soon. I hope.

#94: Bocote

Bird number: 127
Date: December 4, 2012
Wood: Bocote (Cordia alliodora)
Source: Woodcraft

I’m not 100% certain that this is Cordia alliodora, although I do know that it is one of the Cordia species. And since Cordia alliodora is the most common, I figure that’s what this piece is.

The most striking thing about Bocote, of course, is the high contrast in the grain. What’s really interesting to me, though, is how straight the grain is. This piece is a bit unusual in that it has that slight figuring at the base of the tail. Most Bocote lumber you see will have straight grain from one end to the other. A friend who had seen my SpectraPly bird first thought that this was another type of that laminated wood product.

The wood is hard enough that I didn’t even consider carving it with a knife. It’s about 95% as dense as water, so I had to take it a little slow with the bandsaw and use a slower speed with the power carver to avoid burning the wood. Other than that, I had no problems with this figure. The wood machines well, and sanding was not at all difficult. Just more time consuming than most of the other birds.

Bocote is commonly available as veneer, in board form, and as turning blanks, although it is somewhat expensive. The wood is typically used for high-end furniture, cabinetry, flooring, boat building, musical instruments (especially the backs and sides of guitars), gun stocks, turned objects, and small specialty wood items. You’ll find few carved items from Bocote.

The wood is known to cause cross reactions once an allergy to some other woods is developed. For example, you might work with Bocote many times without developing any kind of reaction. But if you develop an allergic reaction to Cocobolo, for example, it’s very likely that you will subsequently be sensitive to Bocote. The body works in strange ways.

Lovely stuff, this Bocote, but pretty expensive. I have another piece of it that I’ll use for something, but can’t see myself buying another chunk unless I have a project that must have this type of wood.

#93: Mansonia

Bird number: 126
Date: December 4, 2012
Wood: Mansonia (Mansonia altissima)
Source: Gift from a fellow carver

A few months back my friend Ed showed me some things that he’d carved from Mansonia. When I was at his place a couple weeks ago he handed me a piece, saying that he found it while digging for something else in his wood stash. The piece he gave me is large enough to make two birds and have a little wood left over.

Mansonia comes from tropical Africa, where it’s apparently quite abundant. It’s been called African Walnut, although it’s not at all related to the Walnut tree. The wood has some of the same characteristics of Walnut, although it’s considerably lighter in color. At least, it’s lighter than any Walnut I’ve ever seen. Working it with a knife is pretty tough, but possible. I didn’t want to work that hard, so I used the Foredom on this one. There were no surprises in carving or sanding, and it finished up just beautifully.

There is less contrast in the grain than in many woods, and from a distance the bird looks rather plain. Up close, the grain really “pops out,” and one gains a whole new appreciation for the subtle beauty in this wood.

Mansonia has good outdoor weathering properties, and is resistant to decay and termite and insect attack. The wood is most commonly used for veneer, but also for cabinetry, boat building, furniture, and turned objects. I know that it’s available as turning blocks, because I saw some at Woodcraft. It’s more rarely available in board form from exotic lumber suppliers. Price will probably be in the mid range for a tropical exotic wood.

According to several sources, Mansonia is one of the worst woods in terms of toxicity and frequency of adverse reactions. The most common reaction is simple skin and eye irritation, but the dust reportedly can cause nausea, giddiness, sneezing, headaches, nosebleeds, infected splinters, and asthma. The bark, and possibly the heartwood, contains a cardiac poison called mansonin, which is similar to digitalis. Granted, it’s not there in high concentration, but I wouldn’t want to be working this wood without wearing a dust mask of some sort.

Extended contact with the wood dust or shavings is not good. Animals who have Mansonia shavings as litter do not fare well.

In other words, be very cautious when working with this wood.

All that said, I didn’t notice any particular effects. I did wear my breather while carving and power sanding, but not while hand sanding. Had I read about the potential effects of the wood before working with it, I would have been more careful.

Despite the potential dangers of working with it, I look forward to carving the other piece that I have.

#92: Olive

Bird number: 125
Date: December 4, 2012
Wood: Olive (Olea europaea)
Source: Woodcraft

I’m a little disappointed that I ended up having to buy Olive wood, considering there are several olive orchards in the area who undoubtedly have suitable wood available on a regular basis. They have to do something with the dead trees and pruning trash. But I couldn’t get anybody at those places to return my calls. Having now carved Olive and seen how nice it is to work with and how beautiful the finished product can be, I think I’ll spend a little more time trying to get a bunch from the orchards. I really enjoyed working with this wood.

It carves nice and it smells good! When cut, it smells like olive oil. Sanding the bird made me want to take a trip to Olive Garden.

With all the different types of olives available at the grocery store, I expected to say here that I have no idea what type of tree this wood came from. Other than it’s some type of Olive, that is. Turns out, though, that all olive trees are the same species. There are six subspecies and thousands of cultivars, but the trees are essentially the same. Minor genetic differences make up the differences in the size, shape, and taste of the fruits that they produce.

Olives are among the most widely cultivated trees in the world, and their history is ancient. Historians estimate that it’s been cultivated in the Mediterranean for over 7,000 years. Several living trees have been verified at over 2,000 years old. The olive is one of the first plants mentioned in the Bible, and easily the most often mentioned. It also plays a large part in the Jewish and Islamic religions.

The wood is about average hardness for fruit woods, with tight close grain. It’s not often available in lumber form, but bowl turning blanks are fairly common. It’s used for high end furniture, veneer, turned objects, and small specialty wood items. I’ve seen olive wood spoons and other kitchen utensils, and from time to time some very nice carved pieces.