Bird number: 72
Date: June 7, 2012
Wood: Elm (Ulmus)
Source: Trade
Altogether, Frank Faust, the originator of the Comfort Bird, sent me nine different bird cutouts. This Elm is the last of them. Unfortunately, I don’t know what kind of elm it is, although I do know that it’s not the Cedar Elm, as this wood is quite different. I suspect that it’s American Elm (Ulmus americana), although the wood seemed harder than that. I doubt that it’s Rock Elm (Ulmus thomasii), because the growth rings are too far apart. Rock elm grows much more slowly.

Whatever the wood, it’s hard and sanding was quite a chore. It sure does take a high polish, but in my opinion it’s not as pretty as the Cedar Elm. I enjoyed carving it, but it’s not on the list of woods I’d look for to carve again.